On Air Goll as Gaccan Phil Gawne | 4:00pm - 6:00pm

Hospice hosts child bereavement workshop

Sponsored jointly with Joanna Simpson Foundation

A representative from the UK's leading child bereavement service held seminars at the Isle of Man Hospice this week to help people deal with grief.

Di Stubbs from Winston's Wish, a charity which supports many thousands of children across the UK every year, mentored a training programme today (9 May) and yesterday (8 May), on invitation from a Manx abuse charity.

Sponsored jointly by the Joanna Simpson Foundation and the Hospice, the two-day workshop was attended by 44 individuals.

It focused on expressions of grief in children and aimed to provide participants with a 'toolkit of ideas' to better understand those in mourning.

Ms Stubbs emphasised the need for child beareavement support, by highlighting the Island's statistics:

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