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Five-year driving ban for drink driver caught 'weaving'

44-year-old ordered to carry out unpaid work

A Laxey man has been banned from the road for five years after being caught behind the wheel after drinking.

Matthew James Lamberton was stopped outside his home, on Ramsey Road in Laxey, just before 9pm on 16 April.

Police had followed the 44-year-old’s Mercedes and noted he was driving very slowly, at around 10mph, and ‘weaving’ in the carriageway.

Lamberton failed a roadside breath test and was arrested and taken to Police Headquarters where tests showed he was more than three times over the legal limit.

During sentencing at Douglas Courthouse Lamberton’s advocate told the court his client was struggling in his personal life and this offence was a ‘symptom’ of ‘knocks in life’.

“It’s clear this is a man who is battling with alcohol and it’s clear, with this offence, he’s losing,” he added.

Ordering Lamberton to carry out 140 hours of community service Magistrates also instructed him to work with the probation service for 18 months.

“We’re hoping this is going to help you going forward,” they told him adding: “Seek all the help and support out there.”  

Lamberton will remain banned until he’s taken and passed an extended driving test and education course; he’ll also have to pay prosecution costs of £125.


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