On Air Saturday Floor Fillers Chris Quirk | 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Eventual cost of windfarm 'yet to be determined'

MUA chair questioned over plans at Earystane

The eventual cost of a proposed windfarm is yet to be determined, but estimations haven't increased, according to the chair of the Manx Utilities Authority.

Manx Utilities has been tasked with developing renewable energy infrastructure at Earystane in the south of the Island.

In July last year it was estimated a windfarm there would cost between £30m - £40m.

In the House of Keys this morning MUA Chair John Wannenburgh was asked whether that had changed, what monitoring of the market for the necessary equipment is being done; when equipment will be ordered; and if he will make a statement:

During questions, Mr Wannenburgh took the opportunity to urge members of the House of Keys not to name individual MUA officers involved in the project on social media - saying any such instances are 'undeserved, unprofessional and unwarranted' and can have 'far reaching consequences'.


Note: This article was updated at 11:30am to correct the title of Mr Wannenburgh as Chair of Manx Utilities Authority.

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