On Air Night Flight | Midnight - 5:00am

Emergency road closure for TT preparation resurfacing work

A1 Peel Road to shut between Quarterbridge and Braddan Bridge overnight

Peel Road - between Quarterbridge and Braddan Bridge - will be shut overnight later this week.

It's for resurfacing ahead of this year's TT and follows deterioration caused by icy conditions earlier this year.

The Department of Infrastructure says the stretch of road will close from 6:30pm to 6am tomorrow (Wednesday, 26 April) and Thursday (27 April).

It says resurfacing is "necessary for both everyday traffic on one of the Island's busiest roads but also to allow racing to go ahead at TT 2023".

A night-time closure has been determined as the most suitable as the section of carriageway being resurfaced is too close to the roundabout and too heavily trafficked to be resurfaced under traffic management.

Therefore the work is being done out of hours to avoid commuter and commercial traffic.

If weather conditions allow the carriageway will be planed out and resurfaced on the first night, and then allowed to harden and cool. 

It will be reopened to day time traffic on Thursday with additional warning signs in place.

The second closure will be to repaint the road markings on the resurfaced section of road. 

The weather forecast for Thursday suggests that it will be unsuitable for line painting. If this is the case, and it can not be done on Thursday, a second closure will be arranged for Friday evening (28 April).


  • Traffic leaving Douglas and heading south will still be able to turn left at the Quarterbridge as normal
  • Traffic travelling from and to the west will be diverted, along Saddle Road or Cooil Road, and will need to go via Pulrose or Fort North roundabout
  • Traffic travelling to Douglas from the south will be diverted through Kewague at Fort North roundabout or Pulrose
  • Pedestrian and emergency access will be maintained throughout the period of the closure

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