On Air Saturday Night Live Mike Reynolds | 10:00pm - 1:00am

Education consultation ends today

A consultation on the future of 14-16 education in the Isle of Man ends later today (Fri)

The Department of Education and Children has been carrying out the survey, as it tries to decide what to do from September next year.

At that time, England is overhauling the GCSE system

The department must choose whether to go with whatever England decides, switch to the International GCSE or go with the Scottish qualifications National 4 and National 5.

The consultation has been running for six weeks, having been launched at the 'Reach Higher' young persons employability conference at Mount Murray at the start of April.

The Department of Education and Children says it has received more than 500 responses so far.

If you want to make a submission, but have yet to, you have until close of business today to get it in.

The consultation is available to view on the government's website, gov.im/consultations


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