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Divers inspecting Manxman after issues berthing in Douglas

Vessel got stuck on mud during low spring tide

Divers are inspecting the Manxman this evening (1 March) after the vessel got stuck attempting to dock in Douglas.

Whilst manoeuvring the boat got trapped on mud for a short time and was not able to continue until the tide came up sufficiently. 

The problems have been blamed on a combination of a low spring tide and the air pressure.

There was no danger to passengers, crew or the vessel. 

The Steam Packet says divers are undertaking a 'mandatory inspection' and the 7.15pm crossing to Heysham has been delayed as a result. 

A further update will follow once it is complete; the company says initial indications are that no damage has been caused.

Managing Director Brian Thomson said: "We’d like to apologise to customers who have experienced delays to their travel arrangements this evening. 

"Unfortunately, there will be a knock on for tonight’s scheduled sailings, but we will be working hard, as ever, to ensure that this is kept to a minimum while prioritising operational safety.

"I’d like to thank the crew who appear to have handled a tricky situation professionally. 

"Of course, we will be conducting a review of what has happened and working with all parties including the Department of Infrastructure’s harbours team to ensure we don’t see a repeat."

The Isle of Man Ship Registry and the vessel’s classification society have been informed.

You can keep up to date with the sailing schedule by clicking HERE.


The Steam Packet has confirmed its delayed 7:15pm sailing to Heysham departed at 9:13pm this evening.

The return sailing from Heysham will also be brought forward fifteen minutes, to 1:30am, in order to minimise further disruption.

In a statement a spokesperson said: "Manxman will use best possible speed in order to make up lost time, however, it is expected there may be some impacts on sailing schedules into Sunday.

"Passengers affected by any changes to the scheduled departure times will be contacted by the reservations team.

"Any further changes to sailing times will also be communicated via the website.

"This follows an earlier delay to the arrival of the 2pm departure from Liverpool.

"With spring tides currently occurring, Manxman arrived at low water, which was lower than predicted due to high atmospheric pressure.

"Manxman grounded while manoeuvring, resulting in a delay to arrival.

"There was no danger to passengers, crew or the vessel, and throughout the delay those onboard were kept informed of the situation by the Master.

"Following further consultation and rigorous checks of internal spaces it has been determined that a dive inspection is not required at this stage, however, a precautionary in-water dive inspection will be undertaken as soon as circumstances allow.

"Crew will continue to monitor the ship’s inbuilt warning systems and conduct manual checks to ensure the safety of passengers and vessel at all times."

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