A Tynwald Select Committee has heard a former Heritage Homes employee was promised sweeteners if he could secure access to a major housing development in Kirk Michael.
Charles "Buster" Lewin gave evidence this morning to the committee, chaired by Speaker of the Keys Steve Rodan.
Lewin's appearance had attracted a great deal of interest as he's currently serving a prison sentence over the Douglas East by-election fraud.
He appeared today flanked by a prison officer.
Lewin was employed by Heritage Homes but has since left the company.
Lewin, in a lengthy and at times rather disjointed opening address, referred in the main to a report into the proposed development which had been received by Tynwald.
During the next two hours he made a number of allegations, being repeatedly asked if he could provide evidence.
At one point he referred to two hours telephone conversations between the then Treasury Minister, now Chief Minister Allan Bell and Dan Tynan, the owner of Dandara, the parent company for Heritage Homes.
"Was it on a loud speaker did you hear these conversations?" he was asked by Mr Rodan
"At times", he replied.
He said he had been offered two million pounds if he could secure access that would be approved by planning onto the main road at Kirk Michael, so the development could go ahead.
Ultimately, he was thwarted by a couple who owned a house in the path of the proposed access.
He later said he had been commissioned to buy land in the south of the Island.
"I was offered sweeteners numerous times," he told the committee, "If you do this there's a million in it - you are considering sweeteners of millions" he added.
He described himself as being seen by the company as "a man who gets things done".
He added his concern, in giving evidence, was the Island could have lost between £8 and £10 million pounds if the proposals went ahead.
"That was my only concern" he said.
Mr Rodan told the gathering it was his intention to call Heritage Homes to give evidence in due course.
Lewin said he was convinced Mr Tynan wouldn't appear if called, and added "they are very hard to tie down. You are dealing with people in the Manchester United League".