Health visitors will no longer see youngsters between 7 and 9 months
Children on the Isle of Man will no longer be seen by health visitors between seven and nine months of age.
It’s part of changes being made to health and developmental reviews by Manx Care.
From 1 March they’ll be given a review at one year instead.
The health body claims it’s streamlining the service in line with guidance from Public Health England.
This means reviews will take place as follows:
- Antenatal
- New Birth review
- 6–8-week review
- 3–4-month review
- One year review (otherwise known as the 12-month review)
- 2–2.5-year developmental review
- School readiness review
Assessments of children’s health and development will be completed at each of these stages and increased contact with health visitors will be offered if required.