24-year-old admits causing damage and domestic abuse offence
A Castletown man has been ordered to pay more than £1,000 in compensation after damaging a door during an argument.
Aaron Paul Field, of Derby View, smashed the glass panel at a property on Cushag Road in Douglas on 5 April.
The 24-year-old had been at the address of his ex-partner when he became aggressive towards her – stealing her phone, running into the street with it, and trying to force entry back inside.
He pleaded guilty to causing damage to property and to committing a domestic abuse offence between 3 and 9 April.
During sentencing at Douglas Courthouse Field’s advocate said her client had gone into a ‘downward spiral’ after being signed off with concussion shortly before his offending.
"He is struggling in terms of his communication and his anger management," she added: "He’s committed to change."
Imposing a 12-month probation order Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood said it was ‘clearly a highly distressing experience’ for the complainant.
She ordered Field to pay £300 in prosecution costs and £1,002 in compensation to Douglas Borough Council; a Domestic Abuse Act order was also imposed.