The total number waiting has also risen
More than 30 percent of people waiting for a dentist on the Isle of Man are children.
The figure's been revealed after a Freedom of Information request by Manx Radio.
The number of people in total on the list for an NHS dentist has risen to 6,114 as of December last year.
Of those, 1,904 are under 18 - with 806 of them under five and 644 between six and eleven.
Around a third of five to six year olds were represented in Public Health's recent Children's Oral Health report, which showed 22 percent of those were on a waiting list for a dentist.
Almost 20 percent were registered to a private dentist.
Over a quarter of the 474 included in the survey either have tooth decay, fillings or missing teeth, which is higher than the England average.
The report also highlights inequalities in toothbrushing habits and difficulty accessing dentists.
Public Health says every child should have the opportunity to grow up free of tooth decay, adding preventative advice and interventions are essential.
The total number of people waiting for an NHS dentist here has more than doubled since April 2021 when there were 2,551 people on the list.
The number of under fives on the list has nearly tripled in that time.
Meanwhile, the Health Minister has been responding to a written Tynwald question about the number of dentists on the Island.
Claire Christian says 50 are currently registered on the Isle of Man Dental Performer's list.
Almost half of those are over fifty while four are over the retirement age.
Ms Christian says competitive salaries and relocation packages are being offered at the two dental practices run by Manx Care in the hope of bringing more dentists to the Island.
NHS dental providers contracted by Manx Care are private business owners and are said to therefore be responsible for their own recruitment and retention of dentists.