"I think UCM are good at tapping into what the labour market needs"
Of the almost 900 students on the Isle of Man who received their GCSE results yesterday around 90 per cent will be continuing with full-time education.
That's either through school sixth forms or University College Isle of Man.
21 per cent of students secured the highest grades of A* and A with 72 per cent securing A* to C marks.
This year's results mark a return to pre-pandemic grading processes.
Manx Radio's Lewis Foster headed to Castle Rushen High School to speak to pupils and headteacher Keith Winstanley:
Meanwhile, not getting the grades you expected isn't the end of the world, according to mental health charity Isle Listen.
Jay Wight works there:
It's a sentiment echoed by the examinations officer who believes students do have time to decide what they do next.
Josephine Evans says there are options for those who were hoping for better marks: