Recruitment for 2017 begins
The search is on for undergraduates keen to gain experience with Island employers before they complete their studies.
Recruitment has begun for the 2017 STEP programme, an eight week immersive work placement run during the summer holiday.
The scheme is run by the Department of Economic Development in partnership with local firms, government departments and third sector organisations.
It is sponsored by Standard Bank Isle of Man.
Students in their penultimate university year take on a project with their host employer, and are paid £210 per week, tax and NI-free.
At the end of the placements, all STEP students showcase their results, with awards for the most enterprising student and best presentation.
Last year, 29 students completed projects in a range of sectors, including manufacturing, creative, marketing and quality assurance.
Applications close on 17 March and for information e-mail stepscheme.ded@gov.im or call 682383.