A team of budding entrepreneurs from Queen Elizabeth ll High School have beaten off stiff competition to become Junior Achievement's Student Company of the Year 2015.
The awards, sponsored by the Boston Charitable Foundation, challenge the Island's Year 12 students to set up and run their own company for 12 months.
The Peel school's team of eight pupils under the name Elixir, impressed the judges with their children's picture book Isle of Monsters, described as 'fun and educational with an inspiring moral tale'.
Team Elixir will now go on to represent the Isle of Man in July at the JA-YE Europe Company of the Year competition in Berlin, where they'll be up against 38 other groups of aspiring youngsters.
Runner-up in the Manx competition was Les Petites Terres from Ballakermeen High School, which produced hand-crafted terrariums.
In third place was Nobelium from King William's College which invented a range of products that use nano-suction technology.
Manx charity Junior Achievement aims to equip Island students with the skills and confidence needed to secure a job.
Volunteers from local businesses act as mentors to teams taking part in the Company of the Year scheme.