Manx Telecom staff have collected 72 shoeboxes to send to children in some of the world's poorest countries as a treat for Christmas.
They have been sent to the Operation Christmas Child appeal and are full of Christmas gifts, as well as everyday essentials such as toiletries and writing materials.
Operation Christmas Child is an initiative of Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian relief and development charity working in communities in 18 countries across Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This year’s appeal will see shoeboxes distributed in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Kenya, Kosova, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Romania, Serbia, Swaziland, Ukraine and Zimbabwe.
The charity works with partners in each of the countries, including churches, schools, orphanages and other non-governmental organisations. The partners arrange distribution of shoeboxes to needy children, following discussions with the charity.
Manx Telecom Libby Dodge helped to organise the shoebox appeal at Manx Telecom. She said: 'This is the fourth year we have been involved in the Operation Christmas Child appeal. We give people a choice, they can either bring in a finished box or bring in items to include which we can then pack. Thanks must go to everyone who has donated items and all of the team who help to pack them.'