On Air Greatest Hits Chris Kinley | 6:00pm - 9:00pm

MT hosts seminar for smaller jurisdictions

On Thursday morning ( November 8th) the Lieutenant Governor speaks to the 15th Annual Telecom Operators of Small States Forum at the Sefton.

Its being hosted by Manx Telecom and is for telecom operators of small states who are national principal operators in states having a population of 2 million inhabitants or less.
Its described as a platform for its members to share experiences and to work together for common interests.
Welcoming speeches will be from Sir Paul Haddacks, Chris Hall of MT and David Kay, CEO of Go.

This evening ( Thursday 8th November) at the Manx Museum, Barclays Wealth have a seminar on "Insights to Understanding Wealth". The movements of financial markets over the last 30 years and how to take advantage of recent turbulence will be covered.
The presentation starts at 6-30 preceeded by a reception.

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