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Changes in taxation rules highlighted at PwC Tax Conference

Important changes in taxation rules and policies were highlighted by leading experts during this year’s PwC Isle of Man Annual Tax Conference.

Newly appointed Isle of Man Chief Financial Officer Malcolm Couch was among the guest speakers at the conference, held at the Claremont Hotel, Douglas, on May 21.

An audience representing a cross section of Island businesses heard a series of presentations covering a range of topical issues, reflecting the rapid changes in the tax landscape and variety of new rules, draft agreements and policy discussions which have emerged in recent months.

Kevin Cowley, PwC Tax Partner in the Isle of Man, chaired the event.

He was joined by George Sharpe, Phil Morris and Ben Holloway from the local PwC tax team, who offered their views on a wide range of important tax matters, including the latest guidance on inter-governmental agreements with the UK and USA and their impact on the Island, changes to the VAT rules on electronic supplies and remote gaming duties as well as changes in direct taxation affecting private clients and trusts.

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