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Careers website has 'world-class' offerings

An online initiative - www.manxgraduates.im - which embraces the Freedom to Flourish concept and encourages Manx graduates and other skilled workers to pursue careers in the Isle of Man has been well received since its launch.

The free social networking site was developed by PDMS for the Department of Trade and Industry with the support of the Department of Education.

PDMS managing director Chris Gledhill said: ‘Manx Graduates is a way of alerting graduates who left the Island to gain qualifications and experience - but whose roots are in the Island – to the fact that the Isle of Man has world-class businesses here and is able to offer diverse career opportunities.

‘We developed the site on social networking lines because, although job vacancy advertisements in newspapers serve a purpose, they’re temporary so don’t offer an opportunity to develop any form of long-term job seeker/employer relationship.

‘Manx Graduates is informal, easy to use with a “self-service” element to it and isn’t just about “the job” per se, but is designed to encourage general enquiry about careers in the Isle of Man. In addition, as an Isle of Man Champion, we believe Manx Graduates embodies the core values of Freedom to Flourish, as it helps people get the very best out of the education system and achieve their full potential.’

PDMS accounts manager Lauren Stewart said: ‘This is the first social networking site PDMS has developed for the Isle of Man. Take-up has been encouraging, with some 400 graduates and 45 employers registered since December. The site serves as a CV repository and features full and part-time vacancies, along with summer and year-out placements. Although the site’s called “Manx Graduates” it’s not exclusively for graduates, it’s for anyone, of any age, looking to return to the Isle of Man to work, and already we’ve had interest from as far afield as Canada.

‘Manx Graduates helps dispels the myth the Isle of Man only has job opportunities in the finance sector; it also provides employers with a forum in which they can “sell themselves” to job seekers.

‘Manx Graduates will evolve, with new resource areas being added over time in line with our aim to build a “community” to which we hope people will return time and time again.’

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