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Shooting: Moore shows the way at Meary Veg

Kelly & Marshall also take top spots in latest DTL league meeting

Report by Peter Kelly:

The third round of the Tower Insurance DTL league was held at Meary Veg Santon with 19 competitors taking part in near ideal conditions .

The leader after the first round was B class shooter John Moore with 71 points in equal second place on 70 were A class Peter Kelly and C class Ted Kermeen, on behind on 69 in fourth place was B class Jack Clague and making up the top six were President of the club Rob Marshall and Patron of the club David Morgan with 67 points.

After the second round Ted Kermeen and Mike Whitehead finished in equal second  place in C class on 129, but taking C class with 132 points was Rob Marshall. 

George Davies was third in B class on 114 with Jack Clague taking second place on 130 but winning B class with 139 points was John Moore which was also the best score of the day.

Rob Corlett finished in third place in a class on 129 but taking second place with his first DTL shoot was Liam Kirkpatrick on 133 but taking A class with 134 points was Peter Kelly - the best round of the day went to Winky McCloud who shot the only straight of the day for 71 points.



A Class - 1st P Kelly 70.64=134,2nd L Kirkpatrick 63,70=133,3rd R Corlett 60,69=129

B Class - 1st J Moore 70,69=139,2nd J Clague 69,61=130,3rd G Davies 57,57=114

C Class - 1st R Marshall 67,65=132 ,=2nd M Whitehead 65,64, T Kermeen 70.59=129.


In the afternoon the third round of the Manx Petroleum's Olympic skeet was held which also had the Cannell Crossing cup up for grabs.

The leader after the first round was Ted Davis on 23 with Michael Cross and Giulio Fabrizio in equal second place on 20. 

After the second round Giulio Fabrizio finished in third place on 38 with Michael Cross taking second place with 42 points but winning with 44 points and also winning the Cannell Crossing cup was Ted Davis.

The third round of the Sadler Agricultural ABT was also supposed to be held but due to a trap fault it did not take place. 
A new date will be announced next week is the third round of the Pam & Dave Corlett Pro Sporting league, and on bank holiday Monday is a 75 bird FITASC competition.

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