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Chamber of Commerce supports DED reform

Hopes for good relations with DfE

The Island's Chamber of Commerce has thrown its support behind the latest government restructure.

It emerged last week the Department of Economic Development is to become the Department for Enterprise from October.

The chamber's outgoing president Micky Swindale hopes the move will allow the two bodies to work closer together.

Ms Swindale says the new-look, smaller Department for Enterprise is being looked upon favourably by the chamber of commerce - as it looks to work more closely and achieve 'collective goals'.

One aim of the DfE will be to forge greater relationships between government and businesses on the Island, something the CoC is fully behind.

Incoming president Chris Allen has spoken of 'breaking down barriers to business', adding he's delighted with the new approach.

Government officials have denied the changes to the department - which followed a far-reaching review - are part of a cost-cutting exercise.

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