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Jail for man who sexually assaulted sleeping woman

47-year-old told actions were 'abhorrent' 

* A warning that this story contains information which some readers may find distressing.

A Peel man who sexually assaulted a sleeping woman has been told his actions were ‘abhorrent’ and he should feel ‘disgusted’ with himself.  

Paul McCormack, of Castle Street, was jailed at Douglas Courthouse today (1 December) after admitting two offences of indecent assault.

He struck in the early hours of 6 December 2020 when the woman had ‘passed out, face down’ after a night out with friends.

The court heard she'd woken to find the 47-year-old violating her; McCormack also appeared to be taking photos or videos at the time.


Describing it as a ‘serious case of indecent assault’ the prosecutor told the court the woman had felt unable to fight him off and had 'froze'. 

Two videos were recovered from McCormack’s phone - one which the prosecutor said was filmed ‘perhaps moments before the offence took place’.

“She was entitled to drink what she wanted. She was entitled to feel safe in her own home.”

Deemster Graeme Cook

In a victim impact statement, provided to the court, the woman described how she’d suffered panic attacks, nightmares and flashbacks and struggled with anxiety and depression.

“For a long time I blamed myself,” she said, adding: “It was humiliating.”

“She feels unworthy and ashamed,” the prosecutor added.


McCormack’s advocate told the court he accepted the victim was vulnerable due to her level of intoxication and the fact she was asleep but said: “The incident was relatively brief.”

“It’s unfortunate that this man has behaved the way that he has. He’s not a man you’ll be seeing before this court ever again,” he added.

Sending McCormack to prison for 30 months Deemster Graeme Cook said it was clear he’d known the woman was in a ‘seriously intoxicated state’ adding: “You should be disgusted with yourself.”

“She is to be commended for having the courage to come forward and make this complaint,” he told the court.


McCormack was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register, indefinitely, and handed a restraining order which prohibits him from contacting the woman.

A charge of rape was withdrawn by the prosecution.

If you’ve been affected by any of the issues in this story there are details of local organisations that provide advice and support HERE.

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