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Ban for teen driver who had never taken test

17-year-old caught drug driving on Mountain Road

A Sulby teenager has been banned from the road for two years after being caught drug driving despite never passing his driving test.

Seventeen-year-old Max Mcvicar, of Narradale Road, admitted two counts of the offence at Douglas Courthouse.

He also entered guilty pleas to having no insurance, tax and driving on a provisional licence.

Police attended a crash on the Mountain Road, at around 2pm, on 7 October last year after Mcvicar broke down.

Conditions at the time were described as foggy and damp with reduced visibility; another driver had hit his stationary car, describing the collision as ‘unavoidable’.

Mcvicar failed a drug wipe test and was arrested and taken to Police Headquarters.

Subsequent blood samples showed he was over the limit for the Class A drug cocaine and the main metabolite of it.

His advocate said the teen’s decision to drive was ‘spur of the moment’ adding he’d consumed the drugs the previous evening and didn’t realise they’d still be in his system ‘so many hours later’.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood questioned Mcvicar’s version of events saying he ‘must have taken a phenomenal amount of cocaine’ the night before to produce the reading he had.

Fining Mcvicar £2000, and ordering him to pay prosecution costs of £125, she also told him he’d have to take, and pass, an extended driving test.

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