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NASA space school scholar joins ManSat

Fostering of local potential pays dividends

Isle of Man satellite filing company ManSat has appointed a former space school scholar to a senior position with the firm.

Dr Jennifer Stone, who won ManSat's inaugural scholarship to NASA United Space School in 2000 and went on to study astronomy and astrophysics in America, is the firm's new regulatory affairs manager, based in London.

CEO Chris Stott said the former St Ninian's High School pupil was an excellent ambassador for her school, the Island and ManSat. He went on to say the appointment "is clear evidence that the private sector investing in education does work."

Dr Stone holds Masters degrees in Astronomy and Physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she was awarded her PhD in Astronomy in 2011.

She also holds a 1st class honours MPhys in Astrophysics from the University of St Andrew's and is a graduate of the 2007 International Space University Space Studies Programme.

Dr Don Jayasuriya saisd there is a critical skills shortage in satellite globally, and described the appointment as ".. the culmination of a near two-year effort by the company to secure increasingly rare talent from within the space industry."

Jennifer said: ‘I am very excited to be joining ManSat. Having grown up on the Isle of Man, and having benefited enormously from the generosity of ManSat through educational scholarships during my career, it is a real thrill to join the team." 

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