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Villa to host disability conference

Some answers are going to be given to the countless questions which have arisen since Tynwald passed the Isle of Man Disability Discrimination Act two years ago.

A day-long conference will be held later this month for anyone with an interest in the subject, particularly those who are disabled, government officials and representatives from the private sector.

It's being organised by Isabel Miller, who provides advocacy services for people with learning disabilities on the Island through the charity United Response.

The event will start with an update from the Island's deputy director of social services on the work being done to implement the legislation over here.

The main speaker at the event will be David Finnegan, who is disabled himself, and has been part of advisory bodies with governments in the UK and addresses audiences all over the country about disability issues.

Ms Miller hopes he will provoke some people into action. She said: "We would like advisory (and) consultative bodies here who become informed, who are perhaps paid, who can go out there are find out about issues and just be involved as this Act starts to become implemented."

The conference is on Monday, October 27 at the Villa Marina's promenade suite. It's free and open to all, and will run from 9.45am to 4pm, with lunch provided.

Places must be booked before October 16 and to get a form you can email accessoffice@manx.net or ring Paul Allanson on 619937.

(Picture: The Villa Marina, from manxscenes.com).

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